Eight meetings are proposed with the following program. Six meetings will be held via Zoom and two in person, one at the University of Cologne and one at the University of Würzburg, respectively. The online meetings will consist of one to three keynote speeches on a specific topic followed by an open discussion. The meetings in presence will have a duration of one day and the format of a round table led by the network organizers.
1st meeting, online
- General theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches of the network
- Presentation of the network’s members
- Overview of the network’s programme and activities
Dr. Giuseppina di Bartolo and Prof. Daniel Kölligan
You can download the programme flyer here.
2nd meeting, online
- “Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri” by Marja Vierros (University of Helsiki)
- “Digital annotation and exploration in the Everyday Writing project” by Klaas Bentein (Ghent University)
You can download the programme flyer here.
3rd meeting, in person at the University of Cologne
You can download the programme here.
4th meeting, online
- “Gender (re)assignment and paradigm shifts in Postclassical Greek: The case of bi- and multi-inflectional nominal paradigms” by Georgios Giannakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
- Comments by an envisaged guest expert
- General Discussion
You can download the programme flyer here.
5th meeting, online
- “Still at the Crossroads? LXX-Language Studies in the Twenty-First Century” by Trevor Evans (Macquarie University - Sydney)
- “On participial syntax in New Testament Greek” by Liana Tronci (University for Foreigners - Siena)
- Comments by Mark Janse (Ghent University)
- General Discussion
You can download the programme flyer here.
2nd Postclassical Greek Conference, Thessaloniki
You can find all information here.
6th meeting, online
- “Language in literary history: the late Greek perspective on Menander‘s language” by Benjamin Cartlidge (University of Liverpool)
- “Language and history in Hellenistic epigraphic epigrams” by Silvia Barbantani (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milan)
- Comments by Olga Tribulato (Università Ca’ Foscari – Venice)
- General Discussion
You can download the programme flyer here.
7th meeting, online
- “The development of indefinite pronouns in the literary prose of the 1st c. BCE” by Camille Denizot (Paris Nanterre University)
- “Indefinites in the Latin Bible and their Greek models” by Chiara Gianollo (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna)
- Comments by Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen)
- General Discussion
You can download the programme flyer here.
8th meeting, online
- “Two syntactical phenomena (not only) in Menander Protector” by Markus Stein (Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf)
- “The combination of participle and imperative in the technical language of Greek martial arts manuals and its comic reception in literary sources” by Philip Schmitz (Leipzig University)
- Comments by Staffan Wahlgren (Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Trondheim)
- General Discussion
You can download the programme flyer here.
9th meeting, in person at the University of Würzburg
You can download the flyer here.
10th meeting, online
Final report and discussion of the PGN activities.