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Postclassical Greek Network


Greek is one of the few languages in the world with an uninterrupted written tradition that spans more than three thousand years. Nearly all periods of Greek are well-documented by large amounts of heterogeneous sources. However, the attention scholarly research has devoted to the different phases of the Greek language is very disproportionate. While the pre-Classical and Classical periods of Greek have been studied for centuries, Postclassical Greek has been focused on only recently.

This scientific network aims at bringing together scholars from all over the world who have been working on Postclassical Greek from different, but especially linguistic, perspectives. Moreover, it seeks to bridge the distance between philological and linguistic approaches regarding the study of Greek.

We are planning a thematic publication and numerous (online and in person) events over the next two years in order to continue the discussion of the "First Postclassical Greek Conference Cologne", to address further research questions related to the network topic and to set up a scientific community.

